Northwestern Coding Boot Camp

Submit your application today. All classes are being offered through our remote classroom experience in partnership with edX.

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Become a Web Developer in 12 or 24 Weeks

Virtual Chicago Coding Boot Camp

Web development is a fast-growing career track, and Northwestern Coding Boot Camp teaches you the specialized skills you need to tap into this rewarding industry. Through a fast-paced, immersive curriculum, you’ll learn the skills needed to become proficient in front end and back end technologies.

Learn How to Code

Learn through a rigorous curriculum that covers a full stack:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Express.js
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • testing
  • computer science
  • database theory
  • MongoDB
  • SQL
  • Git

Gain Real-World Developer Experience

As you embark on a 12- or 24-week journey, you’ll dive into a challenging curriculum and learn more than you thought was possible. With a remote classroom environment and collaboration with your classmates, you will get hands on experience in full stack web development.

  • Study part-time while maintaining your work schedule.
  • Simulate a professional work environment by teaming up with your peers and put your new skills into practice on complex projects.
  • Gain access to continuation courses that cover additional in-demand technologies, including Java, C#, and Amazon Web Services.
  • Earn a Certificate of Completion from Northwestern University School of Professional Studies, demonstrating your achievements.
  • Benefit from a wide set of career services: resume and social media profile support, technical interview preparation, portfolio reviews, soft skills training, coaching, job matching, and more to help you launch or advance your career.

Why Apply to Northwestern Coding Boot Camp?

Learning to code is an intensive undertaking. If you are eager to expand your knowledge and join the tech world, seeking to advance or change careers, and most importantly: ready to roll up your sleeves and work HARD…then this could be the life-changing move you’ve been looking for. Northwestern Coding Boot Camp is a great option if:

  • You are looking to find a new career or company—or make the move from a non-technical position to a technical one.
  • You are interested in freelancing to supplement your current income—or contribute in a bigger way in your current job.
  • You are seeking to learn the skills to execute on an entrepreneurial idea and build your own product.
  • You have the ambition to grow in your knowledge or add to your skill set.

Learn In-Demand Skills:

Our curriculum covers front end and back end technologies*, and you will complete the program with the skills needed to become a full stack web developer:

  • Computer Science Applied to JavaScript
  • Databases (SQL, MongoDB)
  • Server Side Development (MERN Stack, Template Engines)
  • Browser Based Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Deployment and Delivery (Heroku, Git, GitHub Pages, Shell Scripting)
  • API Design (Client-Server Model, API, Rest, JSON, AJAX, HTTP request methods, GraphQL)
  • Quality Assurance (Unit Testing, Linting, Continuous Integration)
  • Supplemental Self-Study Topics (Java, C#, Amazon Web Services)
*The material covered is subject to change. Our academic team adjusts to the market demand.

Career Services and Industry Partnerships Support

Achieve your career goals with the help of a career coach and career material advisor, plus a variety of opportunities such as:

  • Unlimited feedback on professional materials: The career services team offers unlimited feedback on your professional materials, like your resume and portfolio, to help you become employer-competitive.
  • Interview prep and 1:1 career coaching: Discuss your career journey and receive quality coaching strategies and additional resources to help you become employer competitive. You will also have the opportunity to complete in-depth interview practice sessions, where you will be guided through real-world coding challenges and behavioral questions.
  • Career and industry events: We offer ongoing behavioral and technical workshops, as well as events such as Demo Days with industry professionals, to help you build a network and stand out in the job market.
  • Industry partner connections: Our career services team has an employer partner network of over 250 companies, hiring from across all of our boot camps. Events like the Career Connections career fair help us connect learners to employment opportunities with our partners.
  • Job referrals: Work with your dedicated career coach to become employer-ready and eligible for referrals to our employer partners.

Hear From Our Students

Northwestern Coding Boot Camp helped Adi Cepela launch a fulfilling career in front end development after years as a music teacher. The boot camp also gave Adi the guidance she needed to build a strong portfolio of professional-caliber work during the program — which helped her land a job in web development shortly after completing the program.

Read her story here. 

Alesia Stewart first encountered coding while completing her college senior project as an industrial engineering student. Her interest in coding was piqued, and it led her to Northwestern Coding Boot Camp where she was able to combine her passion for coding and basketball into an app to help teams make better drafting decisions.

Read her story here. 

“My overall experience with the program was great…The instructors, [TAs] and the rest of the staff was extremely supportive and very knowledgeable on the subjects covered… I am very happy with the outcome of the program and would definitely recommend it to anyone interested.”

-Sabrina Rolz Sandoval, Northwestern Coding Boot Camp alumni

The Market for Web Developers in Chicago

Corporations, government agencies, educational institutions, and nonprofits all have one thing in common: they rely on web developers to create and maintain their online presence. And, with even greater reliance on virtual interaction due to the pandemic, having a user-friendly, high-performing website has become even more critical. It’s certainly not surprising that, with a projected 13,400 open jobs annually, new job opportunities for web developers are very likely in the future!

Web development jobs are projected to grow 8 percent from 2019 to 2029 (double the average growth rate expected for all occupations combined) according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Interestingly, the BLS ranks Chicago in the top ten metropolitan areas with the highest employment levels in web development. 

In Chicagoland, annual web developer salaries can range from $56,630 to $101,560, which is 1% higher than the statewide range and on par with national averages. Salary depends on a number of factors including years of experience, knowledge of in-demand skills, location, company size, and industry. That said, the mean annual salary for developers in the Chicago area is $80,900, whereas the national mean is $73,760.

For those looking to break into this exciting field, there are a number of viable pathways. While traditional degrees have historically been required, hiring managers are now considering boot camp completion to be a strong background as well. In fact, 72% of hiring managers that have hired a boot camp graduate felt they were equally or better equipped for the job than other hires, according to the 2020 Hackerrank report.

Even more exciting, web development employment options are boundless. Choose from large corporations, institutions for higher learning, nonprofits, or even strike out on your own and freelance. Remote work and hybrid work environments are becoming common in this field and, given the increasing demand for web development professionals, you can shape your future in the way that works best for you and fuels your career success.

Remote Part-Time Coding

  • 24-week program
  • Classes held three days a week

Full-Time Coding

  • 12-week program
  • Classes held Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Contact an admissions adviser at (312) 416-9979 or fill out the form below if you’re ready
to learn more about Northwestern Coding Boot Camp.

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